Greek Name          Transliteration          Latin Spelling          Roman Name
`HfaistoV           Hêphaistos           Hephaestus           Vulcanos,Vulcan


     Hephaestus made his forge on the island of Lemnos. He made it under a volcano which became his chimney. Hephaestus made many things for the gods and heroes. He fashioned thunderbolts and a sceptor for Zeus (god of the sky and storms) with help from the Cyclopes, who were his workmen and assistants. For Athena (goddess of wisdom) he made her shield, the Aegis. For Eros (god of love) he made the arrows. The wonderful chariot which Helios (god of the sun) rode across the sky was made by Hephaestus and in some versions it was a golden cup or goblet. He also made the invincible armor of Achilles. Hephaestus helped to create the first woman, with the assistance of other gods, after Zeus had ordered that there be a new kind of human along with men. Hephaestus formed the first woman from clay. Her name was Pandora, meaning all gifts, and from a supernatural jar she released the evils of the world on all of mankind.
Hephaestus- god of fire and technology holding an ax and pincers


     Hephaestus was born weak and crippled, which is why he is sometimes referred to as the “lame god”. Displeased by the sight of her son, Hera threw Hephaestus from Mount Olympus. He fell for a whole day before landing in the sea. Nymphs rescued him and took him to the island of Lemnos, where the people of the island cared for him.  Another version says Zeus threw Hephaestus from Mount Olympus after he had sided with his mother in a quarrel. This legend says that he fell for nine days and nine nights until he finally landed on Lemnos. It was on Lemnos that he built his palace and his forges under a volcano. 
     To gain revenge on Hera for rejecting him, Hephaestus fashioned a magic throne which was presented to her on Mount Olympus. When Hera sat on the throne, it entrapped her, making her its prisoner. The gods on Mount Olympus pleaded with Hephaestus to return to their heavenly domain to release Hera, but he refused. Dionysus gave the smith god wine, and when Hephaestus was intoxicated, he took him back to Mount Olympus slumped over the back of a mule. This scene is a favorite in Greek art. Hephaestus immediately released Hera after being given the beautiful Aphrodite as his bride. As a reward for his actions, Dionysus was made one of the Olympian Pantheon.
Hera- the goddess of marriage
Dionysus- god of wine
Aphrodite- goddess of beauty


     Over time, Hephaestus grew suspicious that Aphrodite had been seeing someone else. To catch her being unfaithful he fashioned an extraordinary chain-link net, one so fine and strong no one could escape from it. Then one day he surprised Aphrodite and the war god Ares as they were together in bed. He threw his magic net over them and hauled them before the gods of Olympus. Hephaestus exhibited them as they were, naked and wrapped in each others arms. He asked the assembled gods for just retribution, but they did the total opposite. The gods roared with laughter at the sight of the naked lovers, after which they allowed the embarrassed couple to go free.

"When Mars [Ares] came to the rendezvous, he together with Venus [Aphrodite] fell into the snare so that he could not extricate himself ... From their embrace Harmonia was born, and to her Minerva [Athena] and Vulcan [Hephaestus] gave a robe ‘dipped in crimes’ as a gift. Because of this, their descendants are clearly marked as ill-fated." - Hyginus, Fabulae 148
Aphrodite- goddess of beauty
Ares- god of war